

Exploring the Influence of Green Message Framing on Perceptions of Motive, Warm Glow and Willingness to Pay Premium at Restaurants

William Hamilton Bicksler

Journal of Global Marketing

Exploring moral hazard and adverse selection in the context of greenwashing and organic product consumption

Wutthiya Aekthanate Srisathan, Phaninee Naruetharadhol

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services V.84

Back to the table: how omnichannel social media marketing returns customers to restaurant locations

William Hamilton Bicksler

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

Unveiling the determinants of alternative payment adoption: exploring the factors shaping generation Z’s intentions in Thailand

Khwanjira Ponsree, Phaninee Naruetharadhol

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal

Nutrient retention and availability of biochars prepared by co-pyrolysis of vinasse with sugarcane filter cake

Jesper T. N. Knijnenburg

Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals

Research on the Construction of Evaluation Criteria for Balanced Development of Compulsory Education Policy in China

Wei Yang

WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics