



参加本课程的学生需要在国内或国际上的私人,公共或国际组织中从事与他们的研究领域相关的实习。 实习期通常在学生完成三年级学习后的暑假(六月至七月)进行


2.在注册该课程之前,完成 30个学分的通识教育课程。

3.在注册课程之前,完成全部课程的 99个学分。

4.注册课程之前,至少达到 2.0 GPA

5.实习安排和期限必须得到 KKUIC 的正式批准。


  1. Academic Eligibility: 

    • Students must be in their 3rd year or higher.

  2. Eligibility Criteria

    • Enrollment as at least a 3rd-year student with the completion of 90 credits, and with GPAx from 2.0 (IA,CA,BBA) above is required.

    • Candidates should not have any formal disciplinary actions recorded by KKUIC.

    • Emotional maturity and social development are considered prerequisites.

    • Completion of all credits of foundation General Education courses is mandatory.

    • Participation in KKUIC’s preparatory training or successful completion of the subject IC011039 Internship and Career Preparations with at least 80% attendance.

    • A full commitment to the responsibilities of the chosen course is essential.

    • Good health status is a requirement.

    • Students must be financially independent throughout the program.

    • Written consent from parents/guardians, along with life and accident insurance coverage, is required before commencement.

    • Discipline, professionalism, and the capacity to represent KKUIC and KKU effectively are crucial.



Students can pick up the application form at KKUIC Student Development officers. This application takes place during their 3rd years, semester 2.



Cooperative Education is a senior level compulsory course which takes 9 credit hours. In this course, students are given the opportunity to be full time job-trainees with collaborating organizations, either domestically or internationally, and conduct their senior research project under supervisions of both their job supervisors and KKUIC advisors. The cooperative education period usually takes place during the first semester of the 4th year of study.


  1. Be at the senior level (3rd year or above).
  2. Complete 30 credits of General Education courses before registering the course.
  3. Complete 90 credits of overall courses before registering the course.
  4. Attain a minimum of 3.0 GPA before registering the course.
  5. Internship placements and durations must be officially approved by KKUIC.
  6. A minimum GPA may be varied (depending on the study program’s requirement) in order to ensure student’s abilities to independently conduct their own research paper at distance.


The internship application process is available to students through internic.kku.ac.th or by clicking on the directory link provided below. After the completion of all the aforementioned qualification criteria, this application will be submitted. It is generally recommended that the internship commence one semester prior to the start date.


* Students are expected to download the following forms and submit them timely.

Internship Forms

(scanned and submitted through Turnitin within the first week after arrival)

anned and submitted through internic.kku.ac.th  within the first week after arrival)

Co-operative Education Forms

(scanned and submitted through Turnitin within the first week after arrival)

(submitted through Turnitin within the first 3 weeks after arrival)

(submitted in a sealed envelope to KKUIC within one week after the completion of internship)