On March 13, 2023, KKUIC received an excellent opportunity to let the 3rd-year students visit the Bank of Thailand’s Northeastern Region Office to obtain real-life experiences on the topic of “The International Financial System (The Money Supply, Balance Payment and Exchange Rate Regimes in the International Financial System)” to broaden their horizons and encourage students to gain knowledge, experience, and inspiration from specialists.
On this occasion, the visit is involved in the subject of “IC103006 Financial Market, Institutions and International Financial System” taught by Asst. Prof. Dr. Phaninee Naruetharadhol, lecturer in the Business Administration Division, KKUIC. At the same time, the overall atmosphere of the class was pleasurable because the students cooperated well in joining games to win some rewards.
Last but not least, students are given a unique opportunity to visit the library of the Bank of Thailand. Its library focuses on economics, finance, and information from all banks of Thailand and national central banks worldwide.

Reported by PR & Marketing Division, KKUIC, Nicharee Thiamprasert
Photos by Nicharee Thiamprasert