Knowledge Sharing Seminar: Pathways to Academic Positions at KKUIC

Khon Kaen University – International College (KKUIC) recently hosted the Knowledge Sharing Seminar on Professorship Applications, focusing on academic career progression to positions such as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. This initiative underscores KKUIC’s commitment to empowering lecturers in producing high-quality academic work and improving teaching standards. It aligns with the college’s goals for quality assurance and reinforces its esteemed reputation.

The seminar highlighted the session Inspiring Pathways to Academic Positions”, featuring renowned speakers:
✨Professor Emerita Achara Chandrachai, Ph.D. (Business Administration)
✨Professor Emerita Piyanart Bunnag, Ph.D. (Social Sciences and Humanities)
✨Professor Emeritus Boonreang Kajornsin, Ph.D. (Education)
✨Professor La-orsri Sanoamuang, Ph.D. (Science and Technology)

These distinguished scholars shared valuable insights into the requirements and procedures for professorship applications. They also offered inspiration and practical guidance for aspiring academics, fostering motivation and a deeper understanding of producing impactful academic work.

The seminar emphasized the importance of aligning academic outputs with the standards set by the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC). This guidance is expected to elevate the quality of teaching at KKUIC, enhance the proportion of scholarly contributions, and meet the college’s quality assurance criteria.
This event marks a significant opportunity for academic staff to pursue career advancement while contributing to the continuous development of KKUIC’s educational excellence.

Reported by PR & Marketing Team, KKUIC
Photos by Thanasak

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